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Drawing ~ Painting ~ Poetry
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The Series
Series 1: ‘Neroro’
Series 4: ‘Still Lifes’
Series 5: ‘Heads’n’Tales’
Series 6: ‘Circus of Memory, Learning and Dreams’
Series 7: ‘Corporeality Show’
Series 2: ‘Act Three’
Series 3: ‘Pantomime of Hush’
Series 8: ‘September Skies’
Series 9: ‘Cairns’
Series 10: ‘The Temples’
Series 11: ‘Concrete and silicon circus of days’ and ‘The second circus of Blood out of Stone’
Series 12: 2024 Onwards
The Drawings
Drawings 1: ‘Distance Learning’
Drawings 2: ‘Cosmic Jokes’
Drawings 3: ‘Quays’
Drawings 4: ‘Mind over Matter’
Drawings 5: ‘Qualms’
Drawings 6: ‘Zeitgeist’
Drawings 7: ‘Age of Anxiety’
Drawings 8: ‘The Telling Tree’
Drawings 9: ‘Anthropomorphisms’
Drawings 10: ‘Paper Boats’
Drawings 11: ‘Ritornello’
Drawings 12: ‘Fifty Fifty Part 1’
Drawings 13: ‘Fifty Fifty Part 2
Drawings 14: ‘Fifty Fifty Part 3’
Drawings 15: ‘Punchlines’
Drawings 16: ‘Pog’s Picture Book’
Drawings 17: ‘Cunabula’
Drawings 18: ‘Carbon Copies’
Drawings 19: ‘Draw the Line’ 2022
Drawings 20: Under Construction
The Studies
Study 1: ‘Chalk Drawings’
Study 2: ‘Tabernacles’
Study 3: ‘Chalk Figure Studies’
Study 4: ‘From the 7th Garden’
Study 5: ‘Craft Works’
Study 6: ‘Bric a Brac’
Study 7: Under Construction
The Portfolios
Portfolio 1:
Portfolio 2:
Portfolio 3:
Portfolio 4:
Portfolio 5:
Portfolio 6:
Portfolio 7:
Portfolio 8:
The Editions
Edition 1: ‘Wood for the Trees’
Edition 2: Door on the Moor’
Edition 3: ‘Gaia’
Edition 4: ‘Panelectroentropometer’
Edition 5: ‘Bright and Breezy’
Edition 6: ‘Soma’
Edition 7: ‘Pools’
Edition 8: ‘Shrines’
Edition 9: under construction
The Collections
Collection 1: ‘Shells : Scraper Boards’
Collections 2: ‘Folk Songs’ Painted Panels
Collections 3: ‘Idiomatrix’ Pencil Drawings
Collections 4: ‘Esemplasy : A Portrait ‘
Collections 5: ‘Commoner Garden’
Collections 6: ‘Pitchers’ Felt Tip Drawings
The Pastels
Pastels 1: ‘Metaphysics’
Pastels 2: ‘Still life and Landscape’
Pastels 3: ‘Blood out of Stone’
Pastels 4: ‘Apple a Day’
The Compilations
Compilation 1:
Compilations 2:
Compilations 3:
Compilations 4:
Compilations 5:
Compilations 6:
Compilations 7:
Compilations 8:
Compilations 9:
Compilations 10: Under Construction
Compilations 11: Under Construction
The Rhymes
Rhyme 1: ‘The Long Song’
Rhyme 2: ‘Round the Square’
Rhyme 3: ‘Field of Vision’
Rhyme 4: ‘Flux’
Rhyme 5: ‘Sandscript’
Rhyme 6: ‘Town of Honey’
Rhyme 7: ‘Quick Earth Stories’
Rhyme 8: ‘The Same Unknown’
Rhyme 9: ‘Word in Edgeways’
Rhyme 10: ‘Sight of the Sea’
Rhyme 11: ‘Sentient Pattern’
Rhyme 12: ‘Towards Freedom’
Rhyme 13: ‘Ergo Sum’
The Macaldi Moraldis
1: Macaldi Moraldi’s Wonderful Hat
2: Macaldi Moraldi’s Incredible Cat
3: Macaldi Moraldi’s Amazing Shoes
4: Macaldi Moraldi’s Beautiful Box
5: Macaldi Moraldi’s Magnificent Clock
6: Macaldi Moraldi’s Mighty Pen
7: Macaldi Moraldi’s Brilliant Secret
8: Macaldi Moraldi’s Marvellous Trip
9: Macaldi Moraldi’s Fabulous Friend
10: Macaldi Moraldi’s Bountiful Heart
The Collaborations
Collaboration 1 ‘Spirit Level’
Collaboration 2 ‘Between the Lines’
Collaboration 3 ‘One Another’
Collaboration 4 ‘1991’
The Archives
Archive 1: ‘Mortal Coil’
Archive 2: ‘The Moving Finger’
Archive 3: ‘Carbon Bound’ Text 1988
Archive 4: ‘Ritornello’ under construction
Archive 5: under construction
Archive 6: under construction
Archive 7: under construction
Edition 6: ‘Soma’